Tuesday 10 February 2009

Good things?

So we have started recording the second song 'Post LIfe (Good Things?)' it was untitled when I started recording it and is now titled, good eh? It was also unfinished, which may be a running theme of all the songs I attempt to record, sitting here right now I can't think of one that is in the bag, compositional-ly speaking.

I should also note, at this stage, for those of you who have been avidly following the progress of
Sweet Beauty, that I laid down the guitar on and was scuppered only when I found out my bass guitar was completely knackered and needed an overhaul to the point where it would cost almost the same (or more still not got the quote in) to buy a new one of similar standard. It sounds ok vocals need work, like completely re-done or ideally sung by a competent singer.

Recording is going pretty well on this one except that my idea to sonically simulate an anxiety attack several time during the song has not worked quite like I had hoped it would. Well it certainly does sound out of place (like it was meant to) but instead of being unsettling and stirring it must come across as funny cos the few people who have heard it have laughed. So I am back to the drawing board on that bit I have a couple of ideas to make it slightly more musical and I will let you know how they go. The intro melody is played on the midi because I can't lay my hands on a pedal steel guitar or a theramin easily. I am beginning to realize what a producer does.

It shouldn't be too long now before I can post a song for public consumption.


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