Monday 5 January 2009

Starting off

This blog is my attempt to document trying to make an album of my own songs.

I have finally gathered the skills (debatable), songs (mostly written) and the equipment to do it, so now I have no excuse. I aim to put music where my mouth is see how it sounds outside my head and my house which are the only places these songs exist, to turn what could easily be described as nothing in a something.

I spent a long time telling people (and myself) that I only write songs for me as somesort of therapy, and to an extent this is true, but I read a quote which resonated, along the lines of '...if you can create somekind of art and don't then you are an arsehole' well I may be an arsehole but I don't want to be one for this reason.

I always wondered why people write blogs which it unlikely that anyone would be interested in reading. I think the reason I have decided to do it is to create the potential for people, other than me, to care if I actually make this music.

So, periodically I plan to post my progress,thoughts, maybe some pictures and if the technology permits, possibly the finished songs. I hope if you do read this it won't be that much of a waste of time and feel free to let me know hings/stuff if you so desire.


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