Friday 7 August 2009

Credit where credit is due

A couple of years ago when I was writing Post Life (Good Things?) I went to visit my wee granny in an old peoples home, where she had been living for quite some time. Typically, I was stuck with lyrics for a couple of verses.

My granny had been suffering with altzeimers (or a form thereof) disease for quite sometime and her memory had been getting progressively worse. She had become basically incoherent to the point where she couldn't finish a sentence.

During this visit she had attempted several sentences to varying degrees of success. So the last thing we were expecting to emerge from her frail chops was the most profound statement we had ever heard. I had the line

'How can you say goodbye to me if we've never even met'

I should point out the writing of this song was not at the forefront of my mind during said visit.

What did she say, you ask?

She said 'I know..' then there was a pause, at which point we had come to expect that rest of the sentence would drift into the ether. The pause lasted about 5 seconds. Just when we were about to accept that there was nothing else on its way she proclaimed '...the colour of my own regret'.

To this day I don't know if she knew what that meant but for a moment we were all stunned by the magnificence of the statement. I knew almost instantly that I was going to use it, and where. So credit where credit is due this was your line granny.
Lets all just take a second to think about what colour our own regrets are....(mine are green).

R.I.P Granny Panny 1920-2009

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