Wednesday 25 March 2009

Inspiration out-age

There could be several potential reasons why I have not wanted to write or record music over the last few weeks.

(1) I have been really busy at work.
(2) I had a reasonably bad cold and it sapped my enthusiasm.
(3) I have been leading a more active social life (not crazy, out drinking stuff just more actual things which require prior notice of attendance).
(4) I simply can't be bothered and am more likely to do the dishes, or anything for that matter, than enter the spare room with the purpose of making music cos it is quite a tricky little business and after 3 months I still have no songs finished.
(5) After such an intense period of thinking/worrying about almost nothing else other than whether I can actually sing or if the songs are actually any good or how I am going to write that verse that has been evading me or countless other tiny details that may or may not be important in the overall scheme of things my mind needs a break, so is taking one.

You know what? its probably a bit of all those things but the fact remains the inclination to work on the project has left me of late and I swore I would not try and force it. I assume it will come back as it has been lingering (for better and worse) in my psyche for years.

I am listening to Astral Weeks by Van Morrison, just now
(its fuckin' good)and was thinking about a month ago I would've gotten all inspired and wanted to get plugged straight in but now I can only think, 'fuck, I couldn't do that ah well I am away to watch telly'.

So if you want me that's where I'll be.
'Til then.

1 comment:

  1. I've figured a natural cycle of my musical inspiration. I always like it and listen to it but for a while every now and again it starts to wane. I'm not that excited by stuff or inspired. Then it starts to come back all at once and I can't get enough of it. It's a great feeling.

    I reckon the cycle probably takes about two months but I can't be sure exactly. Anyway don't force it and go with the flow.

    Anyway change the channel the apprentice is on.
